Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Joy June 10

I did something very unusual for me today - something that, while it scared me, also brought me joy. I posted a picture of the watercolor I did this weekend to my facebook page.
Understand there are many artists in my extended family - sister, brother, mom, and my sister in law's sister & brother, and numerous friends - all extremely talented. Painting with watercolor is something I have always wanted to do and something I just don't seem to "get". Posting this was, for me, a very brave act.

I have been reading and watching tutorials online trying to decipher some of the mysteries of painting with watercolors.  Not sure I have it yet but I have been paying attention.  This is pretty much the first effort that came close to what I have been trying to do.  It's encouraging and makes me want to try again.

Quotable quotes; in the category I Guess I Still Have Quite A Ways To Go.

"The good watercolors take a lifetime - plus half an hour."  Toni Onley

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