Saturday, September 20, 2008

Well, It Worked!

Well, It Worked!

Remember that "thing" a few posts ago that was supposed to make a little bag and did not work out?

Well I tried again, actually following the instructions and using the original pattern piece this time and whaddaya know, it worked!

Of course, I did have to make a couple of tiny tweaks that did not come out just exactly as I expected - - - but all in all, success! I now have a tiny little bag on a long strap just the right size to hold a cell phone, drivers license, insurance and credit card a small bit of folding cash.

It's really cute and handy and would make a great gift. And I bet I can even make another one using the pattern I drafted from the instructions.

What would I do different next time? Well, I used scraps of fabric to create the long strip to make the bag. Unfortunately, some of the more interesting fabrics ended up inside the bag after the folding process. Next time I will do the piecing only on the outside end and leave the "business" end plain.

And I used a ready made pocket with a button, thinking I would get an extra pocket and a built in button. It worked great except that the button is coming loose from repeated buttoning and unbuttoning, and it's not really convenient to have to unbutton it when the phone rings. Velcro or a big snap next time!

All in all, it was a success and I am glad I gave it another go. Here is a link to the pouch kit in case you want to try it yourself.

Quotable Quotes; in the category you're sewing again?

"Sewing fills my days,not to mention the living room, bedroom, and closets."
Author Unknown

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